From the highly popular anime show Demon Slayer, comes this high-quality foam replica sword wielded by Tanjuro Kamado.
Tanjuro Kamado was the husband of Kie Kamado and the father of Tanjiro Kamado and his siblings. Tanjuro seemed to have some connection to the demon slayer world and was a wise man, but sick and frail. He died some time before the massacre of his wife and youngest children but still manages to inspire his two surviving children.
As a descendant of the Kamado family and with the ability to enter the “Transparent World,” Tanjuro’s birthmark on his forehead was secretly a Demon Slayer Mark. This proves Shinjuro’s explanation that all Sun Breathing users naturally have a mark on their forehead. It turns out that Tanjuro had the ability to predict his opponents’ attacks by seeing their blood flow, muscles, and joint movements.
The blade of the replica is made of wood/bamboo and the handle is made out of plastic. The replica is perfect for use in cosplay/fancy dress and at events as it is durable and lightweight.
It is approx. 79cm in length.
Perfect for fans of Demon Slayer!