PLEASE BE AWARE – All our replicas are blunt and intended for ornamental display or historical interest only. Nothing we sell is recommended or suitable for combat and such use is strictly prohibited.
Get your hands on this replica from Assassins Creed 3, with a hardwood handle coated in polyurethane finish. The axe bit is an ornate replica from the game made of stainless steel, with a factory edge. It is unsharpened and is outfitted well with a hardwood peg to secure the axe bit and pole shaft together. Real suede leather hide wraps around the handle, making a solid grip for displaying the savagery of those who cross Connor. The feather tassel is feather, and the beads are wooden.
- Replica of the Tomahawk of Connor from the popular game Assassins Creed
- Length: 45 cm
- Material: Metal, Steel